Learning Programs in Paramus, New Jersey
Paramus Catholic High School is a college preparatory school, and at least 99% of our graduates go on to attend college. The faculty, administration, and staff provide students with a supportive learning environment, and our guidance department engages with students from the time they are incoming freshmen through graduation. We also offer individual learning programs to help students further prepare for college coursework. Welcoming students from all financial backgrounds, there are Catholic School Scholarships available for students and families who qualify for tuition assistance. Outstanding student academic performances are celebrated by inclusion in the Paramus Catholic High School honor roll.
Aquinas Scholars Learning Program
This program for academically gifted students is by invitation only. Students are required to take an intensive set of classes, all of which are Advanced Placement (AP) or Honors classes, except one subject per semester. Aquinas Scholars also participate in an interdisciplinary seminar during their senior year. This program meets and exceeds the requirements for a high school diploma in New Jersey. Students are also exposed to additional academic experiences, helping them discover a wide range of disciplines and university programs.
An invitation into the Aquinas Scholars program is based on an evaluation of the student’s academic performance in 7th and 8th grade as well as student performance on the Archdiocesan admissions exam.
Project Acceleration
Project Acceleration is an exciting learning program at Paramus Catholic High School. Students who are highly motivated in academics can start earning college credits while attending high school. In conjunction with Seton Hall University, students in the program may be able to earn as many as 22 college credits before graduating high school. These credits are transferable to a high number of colleges and universities.
Open to Aquinas Scholars and other students, Project Acceleration provides the opportunity for students to earn credits in several subjects. While specific course titles vary from year to year, offerings may include:
- Anatomy and Physiology Honors
- AP Biology
- AP Chemistry and Labs
- AP Physics and Labs
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Psychology
- AP English Language
- AP English Literature
Social Studies
- AP European/ World History
- AP U.S. History
International Language
- Spanish Honors
- AP Spanish Language
- AP Spanish Literature
- AP Italian Language
- AP French Language
- Peer Ministry
- Church History
- Philosophy
- Aquinas Scholars Senior Seminar
- AP Statistics
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Art Studio
To find more information about the Project Acceleration application and tuition requirements, students must complete the Seton Hall University interest form, as well as submit an application form online. Per semester, students may take up to three courses plus required labs during their junior and senior years at Paramus Catholic High School. They can earn up to 22 college credits from Seton Hall University. However, students and families should understand that not all colleges and universities may accept these credits in transfer, or assign the same credit value.
Catholic School Scholarships for Individualized Learning
Students in our individual learning programs may receive scholarships. Aquinas Scholars receive academic scholarships that are renewed every year. Students must meet the academic standards set for these scholars to remain in the learning program.
Those outside the Aquinas Scholars learning program who participate in the Seton Hall University Project Acceleration learning program may qualify for financial aid, based on need. In addition, Paramus Catholic High School students may qualify for financial aid and scholarships through the Tri-County Scholarship Fund and the Archdiocesan-sponsored Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children. Grants and discounts are available for students who are children of alumni or siblings of current students. Children of Catholic elementary school teachers also qualify for grants and scholarship programs.
Admission to our school and its programs for 9th-grade freshmen is guided by the following information.
Paramus Catholic High School Admissions Policy
- Admission application
- Co-op (HSPT) exam scores
- Elementary school transcripts
- Interview with an academic counselor at Paramus Catholic High School
Contact Us To Learn More About Our Catholic School Programs
Are you interested in attending Paramus Catholic High School? We offer quality educational learning programs in Paramus, New Jersey. Visit our open house or contact us today.